Tuesday, October 25, 2011

taking out the trash

So ever think to make something cool out of something completely unexpected? I think this idea has been adopted by people with a more forward way of thinking about fashion. One aspect of "wearable art" is the fact that art can be made out of anything. So if we take this into consideration, fashion too can be made out of anything.

The concept of "taking out the trash is a play on words," its making a nice dress that you can wear for a night on the town out of trash bags. Now this might sound like an outfit for your typical ABC party but this is in fact taking material other than fabric to another level. If  you posses a little imagination and maybe some duct tape in order to avoid some fashion mishaps, making an outfit out of anything is possible. Wearing these also takes some guts.

Now although this seems like something that Lady Gaga or even Nicki Minaj, both of who are all to famous for there out-worldly fashion choices. There are some great high fashion creations out of trash bags that I wouldn't be afraid of wearing. These photos also glamorize something that seemingly has no fashion potential. 

...and if it's and consolation, celebrities on the red carpet whose fashion we can relate to and admire are also taking on this idea even though you could make these yourself for a fraction of the cost if you really want to.
I like how you can create volume and texture all with one material. It's shows the versatility of a trash bag!

Recycled fashion is a new idea to go with our times attempt with going green. Even though I wouldn't recommend dumping out the trash to use the bag to make an outfit for your next date, if  your daring enough, try out these options:
and when you're done ,remember to toss your old dress into the recycle bin instead of the trash. Theres no reason why you can save the planet at the same time your saving a bit of cash.

Coco Chanel once said  "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."  I guess this day and age you can find it in trash bags too.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

what mediums?

The assignment is to create a blog about something that you are interested in but is different from a blog that you already have (if you have one). Problem is, I have one basic interest and my other blog basically covers it already. So I decided to focus on one specific element of my interest and that's the use of different mediums when it comes to art and to yourself. I'm hoping that this will become more than an assignment and that I will enjoy writing this and in the process learn some new things while researching for posts.

I'm focusing on how people use different mediums to create art of the body. It's basically is fashion but I want it to be a little more focused in terms of specific mediums like make up or clothes or body art that can possibly take inspiration from some great pieces of art work. For example, the construction of this dress looks like it takes inspiration from the ancient japanese art of paper folding also known as origami. I'd maybe even go into exploring and understanding the inspiration and mediums that go into  to create those pieces of art as well.

I have an idea of where I'm going with this idea in my head but I can't really translate it into words so I'm just going to post and hopefully you can understand what I'm talking about.  As a person who is interested in art, I look at things to see how they're made and get inspired for when I make my own pieces of art work. I think that the easiest canvas is yourself; you don't need any artistic skills, just a little imagination. I personally like to take pride in using myself as a sort of canvas. I like to make sure my make up looks cool, my accessories express some kind of individuality and my clothes reflect my interesest.

When reading this blog, keep in mind this quote but Frank Goble: "Because of their courage, their lack of fear, they (creative people) are willing to make silly mistakes. The truly creative person is one who can think crazy; such a person knows full well that many of his great ideas will prove to be worthless. The creative person is flexible -- he is able to change as the situation changes, to break habits, to face indecision and changes in conditions without undue stress. He is not threatened by the unexpected as rigid, inflexible people are."

This is one of my favorites and i think is a good description as to why everyone should maintain some creativity and individuality in their lives.

If you are looking for a little inspiration and want to see something cool check out this website:
http://www.rebeccawendlandt.com/gallery/wearable/index.html. This is where i found the picture above and it also includes some other wearable art. Claire Prebble is also a good reference and what makes her work cooler is that she's not even 21 yet! http://www.virtualbay.co.nz/claireprebble/wearableart/index.htm