Monday, November 14, 2011


We're going to continue with the segment talking about fashion made out of unusual objects, this time we going to address paper products. Paper is great there are all different styles, textures, and weights that can be used to create a beautiful garment. And once again I want to point out that this is great step in the direction of going green. Why not support the well-being of our planet while sporting fashion at the same time.

Just type in the words "fashion made out of paper" into google and you get a lot of results. Many of which look way more intricate and beautiful then what might be expected from clothing using paper as a material. Even our favorite designers on the runway are adopting this and making paper fashion desirable. Even I want to attempt to make my own!

The best thing about this material, i think, is that it can look really feminine or very hardcore. It seems to be very versatile and treated just as fabric would. People and designers all over the world are taking on the challenge of paper. Even one student at school has gotten ver good at it and when it was announced that there would be a recycled paper fashion show in the spring, everyone already anticipated who would be entering.

Paint your creations and choose different colors depending on how you want your product to look. Theres even a demand for paper jewelry thats actually more robust than it may seem, but i assure you with paper and a lot of glue compacted together, you can only imagine how strong it really is. Paper outfits can go from very basic to vert intracate. Go on a search and see what you can find.

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