Monday, November 14, 2011

duct, duct, goose

There are many many uses for duct tape and one more has been discovered. Im sure that by the nature of this blog you can predict that it has something to do with fashion and if you were one of these intellectuals who guessed that, you would be correct!

Even though I am not really a fan of what i've seen so far regarding garments made out of duct tape, i'm sure that there is some way to stray as well as avoid the tackiness that can be a result. I've seen some decent outfits and i've seen some that are just down right ugly, but this is duct tape that we're talking about. I can't imagine how time consuming creating a whole outfit out of duct tape can be so props to those people who've tried and succeeded (although they may have sacrificed some looks in the process).

At one point, making prom dresses and tux's was popular among high school seniors who wanted to go out with a bang. Unfortunately, I cant say I will be using duct tape to achieve this. Luckily though, duct tape makers have created different colors and patterns to appeal to those creative souls that want to use duct tape for something other than what it was originally made for.

I baby sat a girls once who was making accessories out of duct tape that were pretty cool, she had a little kit and everything that made her creations easy to make. She was proud of her new found talent and even offered to make me one but it would've taken too long. Because of Kori (which was the little girls name) I'm going to attempt to make something out of duct tape because its all that i can handle and all that I would use. I might even invest sometime into drawing all over it... i guess i'll be takign a trip to the dollar store after school today to pick up a roll.

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